How Much Does The Course Cost?
You take our course for free and pay $19.95 after you pass the final test.
Are You Licensed By The California DMV?
Yes. We are licensed and audited by the California DMV. Our license number is E0543.
Can I Stop and Start the Course?
Yes. The course is self-paced. This means you can start and stop the course as many times as you’d like. Your progress is automatically saved. The final test is the only part that you must take all at once.
How Long Does The Course Take?
You finish our course as fast as you can read. On average people finish in 4 to 5 hours or faster. There are no timers to slow you down, and our course meets the DMV's minimum length.
Is There A Time Limit?
You can take our course as fast or as slow as you'd like. We do not have a time limit or date by which you must pass our course. The court, however, gives you a date by which you must pass traffic school. This date is in the letter the court sends you.
How Many Chapters Are There?
Our course meets the DMV’s minimum course length requirement and is broken into 12 chapters. All DMV online courses must be at least 42,500 words long. Don’t be fooled by traffic schools with fewer chapters! It’s a gimmick to fool you.
When Can I Take the Course?
You can start taking the course after you finish registering. You have access 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. You can stop and start the course as many times as you need. Your progress is automatically saved.
When Do I Pay?
You pay after you pass the final test. No payment is required to start the course. We accept all major credit cards, debit cards with the VISA symbol, and PayPal.
When Do I Enter My Ticket and Court Information?
You enter your court and ticket details after you pass the final test.
What If My Ticket Is A Federal or An Out Of State Ticket?
If you have a California driver's license and received a ticket from out of state, you must get that court's approval to take our California traffic school. You must print out the certificate we email you and send it to the out-of-state court. We do not send certificates to courts outside of California.
If you have a Federal ticket, you must print out the certificate we email you and send it to the Federal court.
I Already Paid The Court For Traffic School. Why do I have to Pay You?
You paid the court's traffic school administration fee. This is the fee they charge you to process the certificate we send them. You still have to pay for our traffic school course.
Traffic School Certificate Due Date Information
Your traffic school due date will be stated in the letter you receive from the court. If it is not stated in the letter, you may not be eligible to take traffic school. Check with the court.
Some courts require that you pass traffic school by their due date. Other courts require that they receive your certificate by their due date. Your due date information is in the letter you received from the court.
If you're past the due date, the court will reject your certificate. If you are less than 30 days late, you can sometimes request an extension from the court.
Court and DMV processing time is not counted towards your traffic school due date.
I’m In A Rush. Do You Send Certificates To The Court on The Same Day?
Yes. Our optional Same Business Day Express upgrade sends your certificate to the DMV the same day. You must pass by 4:30 p.m. California time (Monday - Friday).
How Do I Know If I'm Approved To Take Traffic School?
You will receive a courtesy letter from the court approximately 2 or 3 weeks after you get your ticket. This letter will inform you if you are court-approved to take traffic school and when your traffic school due date is.
Letters from the court are poorly written. If you see an additional court fee for Traffic School Administration it means you are approved to take traffic school. Note that this fee is for the court to process the certificate we send them after you pass. It does not include our traffic school course fee.
If your letter does not mention traffic school, your ticket may not be eligible for traffic school (i.e., took traffic school within the past 18 months, excessive speed, fix it ticket, seat belt, texting, insurance, carpool lane violations). Contact the court to find out if you are eligible.
Can I Take Traffic School If I Have A Commercial Driver's License?
Yes. You can take traffic school but the point will still appear on your driving record. The point will not, however, count towards your total negligent operator point count. Once you complete traffic school, you are responsible for contacting the DMV Driver Safety Unit at (916) 657-6452. This is required so that the DMV does not assess the point against your record.
How Many Times Can I Take Traffic School?
In general, you are only allowed to take traffic school once every 18 months for a one-point violation. You must be court-approved to take traffic school.
If you took our traffic school close to 18 months ago, your email might still be associated with your last certificate. In this case, you will need to use a different email address from the one you used previously to register.
How Many Chances Do I Get To Pass The Final Test?
What Happens If I Don't Pass The Final Test?
You can retake our course an unlimited number of times until you pass for free, or you can register and take traffic school from another company.
What Happens After I Pass The Final?
After you pass, you enter your court, and ticket information and pay. You are then emailed a copy of your certificate (free), and we electronically send your certificate to the DMV and court within 3 business days (standard processing), or the same business day if you have purchased the optional Express processing.
Are There Quizzes?
There are quizzes after every lesson to help you to prepare for the final test. You do not have to pass these quizzes. The final test is what counts.
Which Courts Accept Your Certificate?
Do I Pay The Court First?
We recommend that you pay the court their traffic school administration fee and the bail amount due on your ticket before passing our traffic school. This ensures nothing stops the court from processing your certificate once they receive it and it doesn’t get lost in their system.
Be certain to pay the court's traffic school administration fee! Non-payment of this fee is the #1 reason why courts reject certificates. This does not cover the cost of our traffic school course
When Does the Court Receive My Certificate?
Our standard price includes 3 business day processing. Example: You pass and pay on Monday at 4:00 p.m. California time. We guarantee to send your certificate to the DMV and court by Wednesday. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are not considered business days.
Your certificate is date and time stamped by the DMV/court system as soon as we electronically send it to them.
If you purchase the optional Express Same Day Processing upgrade, we send your certificate to the court that same business day you finish. You must pass the course and pay by 5:00 California time.
How Do I Know My Certificate Has Been Sent To The DMV And Court?
Once you receive your completion certificate, you have our guarantee that it will be electronically sent to the DMV and court within 3 business days (the same business day if you’ve purchased the optional Express Processing upgrade). You can also purchase the optional Date Certificate was sent upgrade that notifies you when we send your certificate.
How Long Does It Take For The Court To Close My Ticket?
It can take a court 30 days or more to process the certificate we send them. The court receives your certificate the same day we electronically send it to them. It is time and date stamped by the court. This date along with the date you completed traffic school lets the court know if you have met their traffic school deadline requirement.
Once the court receives your certificate in its main database, each local court must have a court administrator download it for your certificate to show up in their system. Depending on how backlogged the court is, this can take a few days to a few weeks.
Do not expect your certificate to show up immediately as the court system can be 30 years old! We recommend that you follow up with the court 30 days after you have passed traffic school to be certain the court has processed your certificate.
Do I Need To Send Or Bring My Certificate To The Court?
We send your certificate to the court electronically so you do not need to send it to the court. In addition, the court will only accept the electronic version we send them as official proof.
If your ticket is from an out-of-state or a federal court you will need to print out the certificate we email you and send it to the court.
How Do I Check To See If The Court Received My Certificate?
Once you pass our course, it can take the court up to 30 days to review and close your citation with traffic school credit. In order for you to check if they have processed your certificate, you must contact the court directly by:
If your ticket is from Los Angeles County, please read the below information.
Be advised that LA county courts have a long history of losing and not processing certificates. To assist people with issues of non-processed traffic school certificates, the LA Traffic Advisory Service was created.
If your ticket is from an LA County Court: